We are a family that just want to get healthy whilst having fun.
COVID 19 and lockdown provided the opportune time for us to stop talking and begin the journey.
So, we made a few phone calls to our family and friends in different parts of the world and then bingo we landed the Miracle Berry and thus Berry Yummy was born!
Fruits and vegetables are now something to look forward to (sweet and pleasurable). Our miracle berry will ensure that your acidic or sour fruits become an experience of health and pleasure!
Get ready for That Sweet Feeling without the sugar!
We are on a mission to help people live a sugar free lifesytle without eliminating sweetness.
We are your solution to reducing your sugar intake.
We can help you lose weight and detox without eliminating sweetness with our miracle berry.
Take the "Red Berry" and you can taste a world without sugar!
This is Nature's secret weapon to conquer sugar addiction!
Welcome to Berry Yummy!
The berries are growned on an organic farm owned by our family. If you are interested in buying wholesale for your food business please contact us.
Check out our instagram page @berry.yummy21
You can buy our Miracle Berries from our Etsy Store
See the feedbacks from eBay
Check out our Youtube page.
Click here for the video
Check out the video by Chris Bavin (BBC) as he demonstrates the miracle berry at Spitalfields Market in London. Click here for the video (Desktop Only)

Some sell tablets but our berries are freezed dried in their real and natural form (with seed)
Our miracle berries will ensure that fermented, acidic or sour fruits/drinks become an experience of health and pleasure!
Reducing sugar intake starts here!
Our miracle berries can be enjoyed with friends and family and taken daily by anyone who wants to limit their sugar intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a healthier diet.
Our goal is to allow you to live a sugar free lifestyle without sacrificing the sweetness!
Now that lockdown is over, the Miracle Berry is the perfect partner to add excitment to your parties! Create memories they won't forget!
Testimonials & reviews
welcome to berry yummy
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